Government regulations/law govern the trade in both live and dead British and Foreign birds. Many birds, such as Owls and Birds of Prey will require a licence to sell. These are controlled by a government dept called ‘Animal Health’ (also known as DEFRA).
What do I do if I find an Owl (or an other protected bird) on the road and want it modeled?
No licence is required by yourself or the Taxidermist, as neither of you will be selling the bird. The Taxidermist will only be charging you for his work, as the bird belongs to you.
If you change your mind and want to sell the Owl (or any protected species) to the Taxidermist, OR, at any time in the future if you wish to sell the modeled bird, you will need to apply to Animal Health for an Article 10 certificate (currently costing £31 (June 2016)).
Whenever you find a specimen you must satisfy yourself, and the Taxidermist, that the bird died of natural causes. You will also need to keep details of exactly When and Where you found the specimen together with any visible signs of injury. This information will be required by the Taxidermist, for his Log Book, and by Animal Health for any application for a licence to sell.
Further guidance can be obtained from Animal Health: www.defra.gov.uk